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Screening helpdesk


Use the form below to contact the UK National Screening Committee and NHS Screening Programmes in England.

  • Accessing screening results – the helpdesk and national programmes do not have access to or provide screening results. If you are a parent and have a query about your baby's results please contact your health visitor. If you are a health professional please contact the screening laboratory or the local child health records department
  • Confidentiality - please do not send or provide any sensitive, confidential or patient identifiable information to the helpdesk
  • Contact details - the helpdesk cannot provide contact details of individual members of staff
  • Scope - the helpdesk can only answer queries relating to screening in England

Screening helpdesk Specific contact

Please fill these additional fields in if you're contacting the helpdesk in a professional capacity to help us deal with your query as quickly as possible


Please tick the box below to confirm you're a human. There are sometimes problems viewing this reCAPTCHA box in Internet Explorer 7 but it should still work. If not, please contact your local IT department or the screening helpdesk.

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